Friday 3 October 2014


So I just realized that this blog writing business is not easy. Having written my previous post about a week ago, I was so convinced that I would be able to do this on a daily basis... I guess I was wrong. Coming up with content that I'd think my audience would enjoy isn"t easy. I did come across some inspiration this morning after a friend of mine had sent me a link to a YouTube video she thought i'd enjoy watching ( I have shared the link :) ). Titled #ImEnough, a number of woman stood in front of an interactive mirror without knowing what to expect. How many people look in the mirror in the morning and feel as though they not enough and just ugly? These ladies didn't know what to expect at first but then they realized the mirror started talking to them. It also showed them personalized messages from their families and friends reassuring them just how appreciated they are. Ladies, and Gents YOU ARE ENOUGH. I've taken on a 10 day mirror challenge, for the next 10 days i'm going to appreciate me for who and what I am and encourage you to do the same. Its time we realize that being beautiful isn't about physical appearance but our own personal self worth. Till next time.