Saturday 2 July 2016

My Happy Heart 

I've read a couple of times of how important it is to do what you love. Other people don't have that luxury. Its usually all about what puts food on the table.
Today, my heart smiled. For the past 2 weekends, I've been lucky enough to work on an entrepreneurial competition as a tutor to some of the contestants. 
The heart warming moment when a contestant comes at the end of the day to come and thank you beats being told you are loved by some boy. When you help kick starts a person's thought process, and just being there to answer even the simplest of questions... This is a feeling like no other.
I know one thing, I was made for this. This is what I was born for. To teach. To help, and more than anything, I was made to make people smile. 
This is the kind of feeling that I wish for you all. :)